Separate names with a comma.
To summon Satan one must make a great sacrifice of a Nokia
Re: Noob, Newb, Troll, Reg, or Vet. Reg troll ? tho I don't bash people when i troll that's just silly
I have a crush with all my past accounts they're the bae
Could an omnipotent being create a stone so heavy that even he could not lift it?
it's not over-doing nothing Anya
they're not different versions, a different version is like the Lego spin-offs Anya, ugh the prequels are meant to explain the reasons why...
The hobbit was the prequel to The Lord of the rings tho of course they'd have similar plots
The animated movie was outdated but the animation of the Star Wars were up to par to most Disney movies
You're logic in that statement is utterly missing Anya. Please explain how having an animated version of any million dollar block buster changes...
? so with Anya's logic since there was an animated version of the entire hobbit, The Hobbit is now terrible
I honestly believe the sole purpose of the animated movie was to cater to the younger audience to possibly get them exposed to SW
Oh really? I can safely assume you have experience in movie production and directing that you can use to judge the next Star Wars?
Basing a movies credibility off of an animated version is very ignorant to be honest
if you think Star Wars 7-9 are gonna be bad let's see you take out you're money, time and effort to even try to do better I think this a great...
games are meant for the enjoyment of the player, if the player finds entertainment in role playing who are any of you to stop them albeit the...
I hope you're happy op, you're getting the attention probably wanted. Me and one of my admins tried to settle the dispute politely but you didn't...
? my club isn't in the slightest bit sexual so please do not make any sort of assumptions about it that shows ignorance, please and thank you
making a thread about how we, at my club didn't let you rp multiple people will not help your case if anything it'll add to the publicity
People riot usually to lash out back against a governmental injustice for example the Vietnam war, Bastille and the Rodney king trials give it...