Separate names with a comma.
Also can I just say, what a fuckin horrible New Years reward this year
But why do the work for them? That's not the consumers job. We shouldn't be literally designing hunts and drops and avis, that's quite literally...
This is legit my last straw I'm deleting this game. Unbelievable. I'm actually so upset with this constant recycling, I'm quitting lmao
Eugh, god I hate this. Not gonna lie I was hoping for another cure winter themed hunt, we haven't gotten one so far, closest is the recolor of the...
I've restarted the app and when I go to click the second dorm feature it still says under construction, anyone else or just me?
What's happening with the story tiers? First one is at 3.5k?
When the re release stuff first started coming out I was SO upset, this was stuff I spent actual money on, often times more than what I could...
Just... why
Wait is there no side avi?
I've heard someone say that they got a key from a box, is that something that can happen?
Hopefully I'll like the December avis more
Apparently they no longer refund invites, they just get reused next time they come out
I ruminated over this for quite a while before writing this up and essentially it boils down to two things for me. This party has potential. It...
I'm getting really frustrated with trying to get people to get keys, why are people trying to sell them? This is a TRIAL. The way this club can't...
They've said 40 dormates at t10 will barely be able to hit, I've got 40 t9 and I'm just over 30mcs if that gives any context
*42 ignore the typo
I had 429 candies left, never got enough to even get a single decor box. Like there's nothing I could buy with that since I have the avis, so I...
That gives an idea for sure, but how many floors? How many dormates at that level? It's such a variable with avis and dorm levels and even the way...
What's the point of making the only f2p content with good drops with such a high stat requirement? Like for the testing people are looking for...
It's supposed to be able to drop from regular parties, but I've never seen it or heard of it happening