Separate names with a comma.
Looking for a stat rs ☆about me☆ •20 F •17mcs •EST •Cant ask out ☆What Im looking for ☆ •Preferably higher stats •Preferably...
My friend is currently seeking an rs. She is 13mcs (almost) She can ask if you are 30mcs+ If under 30mcs you have to ask.? You must be sfw...
Selling 129 puffs ? wmo
Buying puffs ? Selling notes and bows ?
Selling 360 Sagittarius for 3b. Also, buying libra for bentos.
Selling Level 3 coz alarm clock Level 3 coz bedside table Level 3 coz cloud chair Level 3 coz light solaroids Coz above desk moon Coz wall paper...
Selling HNY 999. Accepting offers.
Ellen260 is looking for an rs. -they must ask -gift/spoil her alot. -her stats of 1mcs or larger