Separate names with a comma.
I know most will not agree with how I see it. We all have opinions on things and I am standing for mind. So if u don't like what I am saying I am...
Yes noobs should have to work for it not be hand things. What I am trying to get at is make them where they can work for it. Keep the potd where...
Not saying give it to them but give them a way to work for it like finishing parties. I mean I probably could get to another club that finish the...
If you didn't get caught, did you really do it?
I am just wondering why they make the potd on some days hard parties that the little clubs can't finish them. I know they want to do different...
Fake art lol isn't potd
Fake art 101 at Rebel's Hell's Angel's
They have lost their mother bumping minds
Dirty little lady with the pretty pink thong Every sugar daddy hittin on her all night long.Doesn't care about the money she could be with...
so every where u look it seems like there is always something about what color the dress is or like now is the cat going up or down the stairs...
No Can I lick ur wall!?
What happens if the person ur in a relationship with resets