Separate names with a comma.
Selling -almost full Fyuu-tchorr set aside from bed and 499 -misc champagne space furniture (no bed, 499, 999 or desk) Buying - Champagne space...
1. My two favourites are Effortless Intensity and the Easter Guy from years back. 2. I like them because they look good and clean without trying...
Trading Fyuu-tchorr desk for champagne space Desk
WhiteLightningKyle/ MrTechnicalDifficult FouseyTube Vanoss
Those nights - skillet
I'm sure you made an excellent point Problem is I have no idea what you just tried to say
One Day Too Late ~ Skillet Today I'm gonna try a little harder Gonna make every minute last longer Gonna learn to forgive and forget 'Cause we...
How bout reason with prices? ? I don't wanna spend 50 ec on a gift for someone else that I can't even have myself, then have to person decide "naw...
Got it ?
It's like impossible to say the right post ? ok here I go. 17th post
Damn you ? you had to post a second before me
Whoop whoop. 11th post. I win
Re: One Thing That You Hate Skittles. I love eating 'em but I hate when I don't have 'em
Same here skitzo
#10A0D0 test
Are jokes not allowed anymore? Is that a new thing or?
Why do the new avatars all seem to be losing PIMD avatar looking style? I liked the Easter ppl. They looked normal. This is a college based game...
I mean as long as ppl can be mature and not get butt hurt over childish things (which in some cases even 20 whatever year olds do ) it shouldn't...