Separate names with a comma.
that grammar gave me cancer
savage and jesus the lawnmower
my father ran away from my mom when she was pregnant with me.
i dont date beggars
yep this kid isnt older than 14 nice comeback noob cya in 24 hours for that bypass
even if you manage to guess it i know she dont like little middle school kid weiner. js
ok whats my gfs name smart one?
ok "tough guy" when do you graduate middle school?
nah i got a gf. in real life not here. i have a job and my own apartment and friends. but im sorry all you know is pimd, and clearly not grammar
this statement makes you a moron. for instance im 18. not a vvirgin, i drink regular milk and i dont have big stats either. so shut the hell up...
better than yours
nooo that would eliminate scamming and that's half the fun of the game
your name isnt cool bruh
if any low kcs people join the war let me know. im in