Separate names with a comma.
Crystal; -holds her hand out and her spear slowly forms into her hands, she does this while stepping to the side of the bushes slowly.-
Crystal; -laughs at Ark-Oh, don't take offence Hun..-she giggles to herself-
I loved Goodbye Cruel World
Crystal; - stares at Ark - No buts... Aannnddd.. They do sort of have a point. - she smiles innocently -
Crystal; -turns around and sees Ark covered in lightning- Oh god, really? - shouts to Ark- Ark, calm the hell down!! - then she turns to face Nick...
Crystal; -shakes her head and runs off to catch up with Mark- He was weird..
Crystal; Well.. Hi.
Crystal; -takes her attention of Marks arm and looks over to where Nick is walking over. She then sees Nick and turns to face him with her neck...
Crystal;-hears a rustle up in the tree but ignores it-
Crystal; - looks at Marks arm and stares at it, her eyes looking up and down his whole arm- Battle scars?
Crystal: -a confused look crosses her face and then she lifts her head to an upright position again. Still staring at Mark she shakes her head -
Crystal; - stares at Mark with her head tilted to the side - Wait, what?
Crystal; - looks at the blood flowing down Marks finger - Wolfs get ya?
Nope! It's because your story's are amazing! Silly! Haha? BRITS IN THE HOUSE
( Crap, yeah.. Sorry?)
Crystal; -walks or to Ark, wondering who he is talking to- Whatcha doing? -stands behind Ark and looks around to see who he is talking to-
Crystal; -dangles her leg off the tree- why, that was fun.. /chuckles and jumps down from the tree..-
(Yeah, jut pretend like I was fighting the whole time)