Separate names with a comma.
Hold up this is really nice
You might be able to find one on the club banner thread here. Otherwise you can check Campus and ask around there too
T12 is absolute garbage and a waste of money. Switch them all to T11. Most even tiers are bad. Other general questions are good for this thread...
None of these avatars have pronouns in their descriptions, they could be nonbinary or whatever you wish. The artists make at least 22 avis a...
Yes, that's why I'm confused. The 13 coin male avi is not white.
You mean the 13 coin male avi? Or are you saying there should have been another one
Looks very good. But yk, month #6 of only two male avis. Sure hope we get the missing ones back one day
Scarily enough it's actually 4 years old. Time flies when you're having fun?
Please use the RS finding thread here.
Please use the furni trading thread here.
This was just updated and I believe it has them.
This is still a possibility, the starter avis haven't fully been implemented yet. We might see them in store eventually
They don't delete accounts. You can disconnect and log out, unless you're silenced. In that case you could wait for the silence to end and...
Er have you ever tried Gold Bond foot spray? I used that in high school, but I haven't really tried any other remedies.
now rewrite the entire M. Night Shyamalan film
Some players who make new accounts are seeing the new avis as options, but not everyone. They're slowly being rolled out. We don't know yet if...
^ what they said. Also the pimd player base is mostly female apparently, so those avis are in higher demand. It happens with furniture sets/stats...