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IlllllllllIIIIllllllllll Or lllllIlIlllllllIIIIlIll Or IlIlIlIlIlIlIlIllllllll ️?
Was the passport hunt the one with selfie stick? Pls re-can that hunt, I got heaps of crap from that hunt :) kkthxbai was at least a shot at...
Anyways this is America, country was built on protests, people have a right to assemble, I don't see why it's a problem for you :? :?
Make it happen [img]
Go look at 1984, Mondale got destroyed...Hillary still got a good chunk of key states, it wasn't a blowout
Not taking anything away from Trump, but I don't buy he won on his merits, more like rural people are so fed up they wanted a non-politician to...
The only good thing about Trump winning is Just to see how easy it is to set him off and watch how pissed he gets :lol: He is like a 10yr old boy...
Well, actually I was in sfw with old vform, and Cjs was(is) tiny with massive tb, but could still be hit with much bigger accts(and lose)...
Once I ran to u Now I run from u This tainted love you've given I give u all a boy could give u... :lol:
Re: Sugar Rush! Don't worry about Ryan, he just likes to speak to everyone like they are some noob... I also had a senile uncle treated...
Re: Sugar Rush! Well, that one hunt, I opened like over 1k keys, got top100 playboy ava on like key 1000-something.. Another hunt, on alt, I...
Re: Sugar Rush! Yup ?
Re: Sugar Rush! [img]