Separate names with a comma.
I've had lots of sugar ? am super hyper you're taking the fun out of it ?people don't geddit
Could you now
Mmkay so what if there was a club run by the rp god of the devs I mean we all know those ape nerds have at least one of them that has a secret...
So juicy
Uhm duh! chocolate cake or apple pie rp.??
THANK YOU! least someone gets the importance of this. God. Only need like 8 or 9 more supports I swear people have lost all humour and...
Yes I am ? support me
Hulka, you make my job here in forus, so hard (not all you'd make hard) Just support it gosh ?
Come on.. It's a perfect idea we gotta help those in need! Does no one do charity these days? Little support goes a long way ?
I dunno ?
Sorry Juliet!! hope that helped!! Oh Romeo, Romeo, where art thou Romeo I'd rather stay here and ask for rehab ?
Mmkay so hi, my names Fredrina, and I'm not an alcoholic. What I am though is a TOTAL rp nerd so I had this brilliant idea for me and my fellow...
Ew no.
You're very nice So isn't bullying anyway if people are sooky la la cry baby's with ugly shoes and armpits that smell like out of date...
Happy birthday
LCBC Female Saw about waiting lists or something I dont know if I read right but yeah. Blah.
Legit bro.