Separate names with a comma.
Transformers 1,2,3
PANCAKES! with lots of syrup! YUM
Wow..this is a stupid post. Why? Josh come backs are TERRIBLE! Im sry but u fail miserably as a manwhore
im tired of seeing those trolls! Its pathetic lol
But it's not a good subject for discussion..creates controversies..just saying
What is the purpose of creating such a post? To see what ppl prefer? That is drama.
I spent real money . REBEL. Damn I love u
Oh wow london. Well im talking to Zeus but idk lol. Omg sis! Tell me about it sensitive ass people!
u are so smart!. I mean I dont think I was being harsh in my confession . It breaks my heart!
Ikr so technically..its not permanent IM A HOT MESS!
Lol u really want me to repeat what I said?! Man it was beautiful!. Yea I sent them a msg
Yea is it really?? Cuz I see ppl get 3rd silenced nd they are back. Well I got silenced for expressing my deep feelings
Well first of all, I just got silenced again nd um is that permanent? . There are true idiots on this game. Exhibit A, yours truly....
Amen! Thats what's up!
Thanks for ur opinion nila. Post it on campus or ur status.