Separate names with a comma.
Colin: yep I just finished if you want I can show you to my house
Hey rhyan
Colin: -smiles back- no problem
Colin: your welcome to stay at my place if you want
Colin: so what are you doing here aren't you staying somewhere
Colin: I sure hope so
Colin: -stands up and turns around- oh it's you again I was praying for better luck
Colin: -walks into the church and up to the alter-
Lost planet 2
Colin: oh well guess ill go to the church and pray for better luck again
Colin: -smirks- man why is it that the only thing I'm good at is aim
Looks:[img] Dragons looks: [img]
Looks:[img] Dragons looks: [img] Same character as before
(The tire wouldn't be noticeable btw they can still escape with three tires)
(You also never stated where the bank was that means it can be outside his house)
(I always hit the bullseye with a bow and arrow I never miss)
(He's not perfect at everything didn't you read how bad his luck is this is the one thing that he actually has good luck in is his aim)
(Besides he's not going after them just trying to scare them so it doesn't really matter)
(I have perfect aim with a bow and arrow in Rl so my character having perfect aim with a crossbow isn't impossible)