Whoever Wins This Contest Will Get A Tank

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by awesomemandy, Dec 14, 2011.

  1. Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, where the heck is the ceiling.
  2. @iEx
    Or "Look! Another suck buddy!"
  3. Then you realised your ceiling was made out of glass.
  4. you killed it. Cmon man
  5. It is bad to supress your laughter because...

    It goes down to your hips
  6. Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake a whole relationship.
  7. A recent police study found that you are much more likely to get shot by a fat cop if you run.
  8. That reminds me of this quote:

    S"tudies have shown that people who have more birthdays tend to lie longer."
  9. I got this from a book I read:

    You're slower than a fat kid on crutches
  10. oh my god that was hilarious piei cant stop laughing
  11. me, jesus and another man wer on a boat. the island we needed to get to was visible but since we lost our oars we couldnt row there. suddenly jesus stood up and walked on water and reached the island. i also stood up and walked on water and reached the island safely. the other man got up and thought "if jesus and viggy can do it, i can too" and step into the water, but he drowned and died. jesus frowned and slowly turned to me and said "maybe we should've told him about the rocks" and turn to him and say "what rocks?"

    if u dont get it the first time read it again...if u still dont get it ask me
  12. -_- Very original.
  13. I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives.

    When I said 'death' before 'dishonor', I meant alphabetically
  14. You know your a redneck if you have yellow grass growing under you refrigerator
  15. You know your a redneck, when your gun rack has a gun rack on it! Jk
  16. Yo momma is so poor when she goes to KFC she has to lick the other peoples fingers
  17. Ok here my quote


    Heres the pic
