Wow just delete the thread then ? Doesnt matter I just started out. I dont care troll me do whatever over a game ? Ha real funny when I have a life outside this game.
Hey guys, stop it seriously. You are acting more like jerks than forumers. Let her learn, she is new, she might not know this yet.
I havent even been on the forum that much but I havent seen a picture thread so how am I supposed to know if Im trying to get my stats right before I go in the forum everyday?
Wow, just get off the thread I mean if you dont like it dont comment, I was just trying to have fun because I cant fall asleep and have to gwt stressed over this I mean really.
If you dont like my post dont click on them. enough said. I never said I didnt like trolling anyways so dont put words in my post.
Well I was gonna defend u but then I suw your club and I changed my mind.To be blunt...are u a perv???•.•lolz soz if ur notbut ur club kinda just made me think dat,soz