Life as a Ninja in high-school RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Opalia, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. (smooth, rebel )
    I land on the fence, vaulting over in one fluid motion. Feeling chris' eyes on me, look over and smirk
  2. Chris: *grins, and just cuts a hole in the fence* (thanksI try my bestest)
  3. -calls after- "you guys have fun!!" and goes to cheerleading practice
  4. "Taking the easy way, huh?" I snicker, walking backwards on my hands, despite the rocky ground.
  5. Chris: eh *smiles*
  6. Calls Chris: "The bad news is we have to use the carnival for our cheering location.
  7. Chris: so that'll be really noisy... And stuff
  8. Miranda:not rlly it's just a performance for the kids to see we are done now.
  9. Chris: oh... I don't know much about cheer leading, well, I hope that you guys do good then
  10. Miranda: we're done.
  11. (

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  12. (my Internet failed so what did I miss?)
  13. (opalia not a lot)
  14. -runs to find her other friends-
  15. (k thanks)
  16. Goes back to the waterfall to train. I freeze the entire thing and punch it causing it to break and ice falls and cuts my hands " Dammit!" I yell
  17. Chris: *takes raven's hand*