Life as a Ninja in high-school RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Opalia, Nov 29, 2011.

  1. Chris: yeah (Im not sure what's going through my head right now)
  2. ()
    I raise an eyebrow, smirking.
    "Elaborate, please." I purr.
  3. Chris: *kisses raven* (no danx)
  4. (dangit! )
    I kiss along Chris' jawbone.
    "Explain!" I murmur
  5. Chris: why? You had it exact
  6. (... indeed . Sorry )
  7. (because I don't know what it is )
  8. (me neither)
  9. "Huh. I still want you to say it. Out loud." (twilight reference FTW)
  10. (I'll leave you guys here and go to spy rp)
  11. ( sorry!)
  12. (no no its ok,)
  13. Chris: no way, there are little kids here! Erm... Maybe we should go somewhere else...
  14. (I feel like we weirded you out lmao )
  15. "Where to?"
    (little kids? At a fair? Nooooo. )
  16. Chris: I have this secret cave, it's equipped with plenty of stuff to survive with for weeks... Oh, and I still owe ivy a fish... One second *plays game blah blah, wins prize and gives it to ivy* ok, let's go()
  17. ()
    "Yay! Adventure!" I laugh, cartwheeling out if the fair.
  18. Chris: *runs after her* dayumn, she's hot(my thoughts)