best scary movie ever 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Cookie-MoNsTeR- (01), Dec 6, 2011.

  1. What do you think is the scariest movie ever? I know that the Human Centipede is one of the scariest  :twisted:
  2. Ghost month Asian style u guy should check it. Not best scary but tell true story about traditional of Chinese
  3. Ghostbusters

  4. A nightmare on elm street (2010)
  5. Human centipede wasnt scary. The 13th ghost is tho 
  6. Wot scares me is bob the builder
  7. Human centipede isn't scary, it's sick. I hope they cancel the sequel that's supposedly going to be made.
  8. Saw the final chapter
  9. The one where cookie monster was in my room
  10. I heard The Audition made a lot of people in Asia commit suicide.
  11. This is a pointless thread aswell. Why abuse mine?
  12. this isn't pointless unlike your stupid threads now please leave my thread
  13. superscottishlegendwooooooo please leave my thread now
  14. the grudge was scarywith such movies u can't even hide under blankets anymore 
  15. There is no such thing as a scary movie.
  16. Paranormal activity
  17. Deathbed: The Bed That Eats

    Sounds scary aye?