
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *LiLWeezeX55 (01), Nov 30, 2011.

  1. I troll, trolls 

    That good .. That's why I have this thread
  2. Leothecool sounds cool I approve of him being cool so stop you petty  and move on with ur life
  3. Leothecool is cool
  4. Thanks Peoplez 
  5. Hey...
    *hair flip*

  6. ...

  7. 

  8. Leothefool has been my friend since the begging
  9. Ltc ( leothecool) FTW
  10. You need to stop hating on others. Leothecool is pretty awesome. Hence his name. People have the right to be mean, and people probably should get over it. Now for he famous quote "build a bridge and get over it."
  11. Leo's da bomb.
    He wouldn't do stuff like that.
    You've got your peoples confused
  12. He's been my friend since the begging  or at least i like to think so 
  13. Well I don't think that happen yes it's true leo could be a dear, he thought me how to rhyme better in the weirdest way
  14. ι Sεχγ Sο ι βμmρ τhιs

    Just fo' drama

    Oh thx for the haircut Azarah
  15. Leo is awesome!
  16. Re: Off-Topic

  17. I never got a hate or love thread 
  18. Leo is the best 
  19.  leo bumped his own hate thread lmao 