Something Missing

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by CallMeNoona, Aug 22, 2011.

  1. Omg she's gonna go all weird n fink he's the dead guy 
  2. I only stared at this man. He seemed somewhat confused and he then spoke to me.

    "You? What about me?" he asked.

    "You... you... it's nothing, never mind," I said an I turned away slightly flushed. "Um... I'm just going to go," I said and I turned to leave.

    "Wait. Who are you? Why were you just crying?" he asked me.

    I didn't look at him. "It's none of your business," I said. "I didn't want anyone to see me like this," I sighed and then I turned to look at him. "Who are you?" I asked.

    "I think I asked you that first," he said.

    "My name is Katherine Revant... I'm in grade ten at this school. Now tell me who you are."

    He seemed somewhat in pain and he let out a sigh. "My name is Roger... Kent..." he said quietly. "I'm visiting my girlfriend here."

    "You don't go to this school?" I asked.

    "No. I'm twenty, I graduated here two years ago. My girlfriend is in her senior year... Julia Marine if you know her. Anyways I have to be somewhere so I'm just gonna go I you don't mind," he said and he waved goodbye and left.

    I watched him leave. My heart somewhat felt like it had broken... again. "What the hell is wrong with me..." I whispered.

    It was finally the end of the day. I felt miserable and I felt like crying... again. I had reached my locker and had spent some time there. I wTched as everyone got their things and left in a hurry. Now it was only me. Quickly and kind of madly I grabbed my bookbag out of my locker furiously. It swung and accidentally hit someone.


    I turned around to come face to face with a girl. She had blonde hair and hazel eyes.

    "Oh! I'm so sorry!" I apologized almost immediately.

    "Oh no no. It was my fault for not watching where I was going!" she said. I only looked at her somewhat confused. It had totally been my fault! "I'm sorry for not introducing myself! My name is Julia Marine, student council president and a senior here. You must be new."

    I nodded. Her name I recognized. "Oh! I met your boyfriend here today!" I said. "He seems really nice and..."

    "Oh? You met Mackenzie?" she asked.

    "Who?" I asked in a confused tone. I looked at her funny. Maybe I had heard her wrong...

    "My boyfriend... Mackenzie Davis..."
  3. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Omgomgomgomgomg bumpppppp!
  6. bump!!!
  7. Update soon please......or I'm gonna die of anticipation
  8. I'll update everything tomorrow!! Katie is going to bed or she will die of tiredness and you won't know what happens!!  haha jk but I will update in the morning! 
  9. Oh... Oh.... OH HOLY S*** KATIE! WE NEEDS MOAR!!!

  11. I stared at her unable to speak... What was I supposed to say to that? There was nothing to say...

    "Are you alright?" she asked.

    "Mackenzie... Davis?" I whispered. "Is it true... is that his real name?" I asked her. "Please! I must know!"

    "Y-yes! Is something wrong?" she asked. "I mean... you're really pale... Is something wrong? Did I say anything wrong? I'm sorry if I did, I didn't mean it, I swear!"

    She really thought it was something she did... It wasn't her fault... it was... it was just surprising to think that Mackenzie could possibly be alive. Was that really him? I mean, he looked exactly like him only an older version...

    "No... It's nothing, never mind," I said and I walked away.

    "Well... if you ever need anything I will be happy to help you in any way I can!" she shouted after me.

    "Okay... I'll keep that in mind," I said. She was nice. She would have made a better couple with Mackenzie in my opinion, and I was a bit jealous of her because of it. Damn it... I didn't know what to think, this was too much for me to comprehend. Was it really him?

    "Is it really you?" I whispered. "Have you come back for me? Have you really come back to be with me...?"


    I turned to the parking lot to see Mr.Cartier. Suddenly I felt my heart somewhat break in two... Right... I was with Mr.Cartier now. And I couldn't just leave him just to find out more about a dead man that could possibly exist again.

    "Oh... hello Mr.Cartier."

    "Rafe..." he corrected. "Are you alright? You look really pale. Did something happen?"

    "No!" I shouted angrily. "Nothing is wrong!"

    "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you," he said quietly.

    "No. It's not you. But I really don't feel like discussing it right now, its just too upsetting? No it's jut weird and irritating that's all. But I promise I'll tell you when the time is right," I said.

    He smiled. "Well if you're not ready to tell me then I won't force you to tell me," he said softly.

    I smiled back at him. "Thank you," I said and I got into the car. "I love you... Rafe."