Some say love is the strongest feeling in the world. Love obviously never felt the sharp tip of my arrow. I sat up in my bed as the bright morning sun drifted in through my window. "Belilah, are you around." A voice called from outside my window. I walked slowly to the window, peering down to see the familiar smile of my partner. "Salrion, your here early." I noted, my eyes taking in the waves of rich dark brown curls that dominated the top of his head, and those bright green eyes could be seen perfectly from my spot. "Just came by to drop off your new bow, and arrows." He smiled. I nodded, a slight chill running down my spine. "Give me a minute, I'll be right there." I said, and shut my window, walking back out of my room, and down the old creaky stairs. Once I made it to the kitchen I smiled seeing Salrion sit on the tiny table. He gave me a teasing cocky smile. "You seem a bit to comfortable, you know, for willingly sitting in a killers house." I said walked over to give him my death look. He didn't even flinch as he watched back at me. This was the only thing about Salrion that amazed me. No man could look me in the eyes, especially when I give them this look. But he didn't even show a little of fear. I took my bow and arrows away from him not losing eye contact. "You more then just a killer Belilah, you know that." Salrion said quietly, watching my expression. I wanted to roll my eyes at this, but I found myself at a loss if words. His hand raised up now, his eyes clouded, and I snapped a growl, grabbing an arrow and slammed it down through the sleeve of his shirt, trapping his hand to the table. I clicked my tongue in distaste. He knew I didn't take kindly to any form if affection. Salrion sighed, looking between his trapped arm and up in my eyes. I kept my eyes cold, and unforgiving as I ripped the arrow from his sleeve. "Don't even go there." I said and turned, stomping out of the house. They say love causes the greatest pleasure, and the greatest pain. So what is love? The small buzz of affection, or the agony of heartbreak? Bump?