 Music  RP

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *-Ayano-Fire-Konachan- (01), Dec 3, 2011.

  1. We all in an academy, World Of Arts.

    Everything we learn is about our passion, music.

    You have to survive the bullies and make friends. Every 3 hours is half a day.

    Provide your:

     Name
     Age
     Apperance
     Personality
     Type of music you play
     Instrument
     Other musical talents
     Bio

    I'll say when to start.

    You can develop love.

     My character 

    Mackenzie Snow, 13
    Has brown hair, with snow white streaks. Eyes are blue, and very cute dimples.
    Usually nice, only gets angry when people cross the line.
    Plays pop, country
    Guitar, Electric guitar
    She loves music and started singing when she was 4. She is also a brown-belter at karate. Her parents own a resort and they also like to sing. She lives with them in a 2-floor-house.

     You can also use that as an example 
  2. Survive the bullies?
  3. Many people have suicided because of them. You don't know?
  4. Yeah but why do we have to survive them? I can be a bully jk jk
  5. Carter Galkhen
    Female(Just incase you thought it was a boy)
    Smooth,long, dirty blonde hair. Green eyes.
    Tends to become red if talking to boys or any teacher.
    She can play country,classical and sing to most songs written by Jasmine.(Listen to her song Boy Crazy. :3)
    She started singing when she turned 7, she lives with her parents not so far away from the Acadamy. She played baseball for Junior League Bulldogs. She was number 10.
  6. Accepted.

  7. Yay!
  8. Let's be friends in the RP. But we nees more party peeps 
  9. I know. I SHALT RECRUIT.
  10. Salrion Grayson


    Dark brown hair. Sparkling blue eyes. Handsome. Athletic build

    Kind, caring of others, quick, very clever.

    Guitar, Irish flute, and his voice

    All types of music

    Other musical talent is that he can learn a song just by listening to it once.

    Spent most of his childhood in Ireland before moving to the U.S. and enrolling in the school. He's got a noticeable Irish accent but it doesn't come out when he sings. Has taken karate since he was 5 and is now a blackbelt.
  11. Accepted 

    I'm moving up an age cuz its my birthday soon.
  12. :3 Lallalalallaaaaaa! 
  13. We'll start tomorrow. I'm going to call it a night.
  14. It Cut Me Off Before

    Name:Fawn Skiffen


    Personality:Nice,OutGoing,Talkative, Sweet.

    Instrument:piano But Likes To Sing While Playing

    Lived in Washington Whole Life Till Got Transferred To Where Ever This School Is
  15. I will drawh MAH girl