"OH MY GAWD!" I scream While looking at the time.I Jump up and get dressed,brush my teeth,straighten my hair and rush downstairs. "Oh Gawd,Sorry am late for school mom can you drive me there?" I smile fakely. She motions to get in. I jump in and wait to get there.. I Arrive at school with all the boys and girls stareing at me.Why?Cause am the popular girl at school yes I admit it am an big bitch but so what? I also have an secret power...I Can read minds So ya I walk into school snapping at my two BestFriends Brooke and Merrill to follow me.Yes they have powers to.Brooke can control people, freaky right?Well It's Not for us. Merrill Can See dead people And well we need Ur help..Help us find an way to control our powers before someone gets hurt or worse Bump? or drop?
I grab Merill and brooke Yall we have To find An way To control our powers Im getting wayyy to many thoughts In My head I say. "Ghost wont Shut Up"! Merill groans "I Keep slapping people"brooke smirks,Lets skip School And see Of Anybody Can help us! I grab my keys And get into The car Brooke And Merill climb into to. Lets explore That shop That everybody Says Its haunted And they have spells And Stuff i think Its called Devils Spot freaky right?" Merill Says. We slowly jump out of the car and walk inside. "Oh Gawd"I Scream.Theres an women laying on the ground....D e a d Don't move a voice says behind us.slowly we turn around Ahhhhh! Continue?Lamee but it will get better!
There standing behind us was an boy,Maybe 17 or 18?Cute Blonde Hair But something about him was wrong. Do Not Move.You see am like all of y'all I know y'all have powers and see I do to but mine is...When I get angry, I kill and I think am going to have to kill you since y'all know she's dead.. "Oh Gawd It's On!"Brooke says "Boy we will fight you,I've got an army of dead around me always,Think am happy?NO But I've got an family and lots of friends so mess with me and I'll mess with you." Merrill Hisses. Oh No,Merrill can do some bad things I know,Brooke to...But I shouldn't kill him,I Won't! I'll find an way,Why?Because I have an another secret...And am like him. don't you know?Am Emily-Rose The Murderer Yes I've killed thousands to.That's why I need this to stop! "Wait, Don't Attack"! I Yell.I Have to tell y'all something.....Guys I've Had An Secret..Look I do read minds..but I also kill to. "OH GAWD!" Continue? Sorry It's Dumb Will Get Beter..