Full Moon

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by NeonQueen, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. 

    Chapter one: Mating

    "what can I say my dear, I will create the perfect life for us, you'll see." Trevor said with a wink.
    I rolled my eyes at him but I couldn't help but smile.
    "I'm sure you will, but let's not go to fast ok?" I said hopefully.
    I loved Trevor with all my heart but we can't really be anything until my father gives him the ok to mate me, which he has been taking his time doing.
    "I know, I'm being as patient as I can, your old man sure knows how to keep them waiting, but I guess to be an alpha you have to have the quality." Trevor said with a shrug.
    My father has been the leader of this pack for a long time and has gained the whole packs respect, they trusted him more than anyone.
    "Yeah thanks for waiting for so long." I said smiling at him, feeling myself just relax into his side.
    Trevor bad been with me my whole life even as a pup growing up.
    "it's worth the wait believe me." Trevor said nuzzling my neck lovingly.
    I giggled at that in pleasure.
    "Alana, you're father wishes to speak with you." Tally said stepping onto the front porch.
    I nodded to her with a smile.
    "Thanks Tally." I said and looked back to Trevor who was now pouting.
    "Sorry, I'll be right back ok, maybe he decided something about the marking." I suggested with a hopeful grin.
    Trevor now became excited as he looked at me.
    "So what are you waiting for, get your butt in there." Trevor laughed.
    "Ok stay there." I said eagerly then got up to follow Tally.
    When we were far enough way Tally turned to me with a knowing smile.
    "Well Trevor seemed a little excited there didn't he." she said making my flush with pleasure.
    "Yeah, I just hope this all works out." I admitted.
    Tally and I had been close friends for a long time, we were always together in the kitchen, mainly making diner for all the wolves that found themselves at the table. She was only a few years older then me, but we were both mateless.
    "I'm sure it will be fine and soon you will be get to be mated by aq great man, and have cute little pups of you're own to tend to." She said staring dreamily into space.
    Warmth filled in me at the thought and I smiled in hopes that she was right.


  2. Bump LOVE IT
  3. 

    Of course Tally wasn't the oh one that was aware of Trevor and my's feelings, everyone knew and Lot every day one or two people would come up and ask if my father gave the ok yet, of course it annoyed me to no end bit at the same time it reminded
    E that my father had no clue Clue how strong our feelings were. Maybe this was the day he has finally realized that I loved Trevor and no else.
    "If it's a yes give me a sign so I can have half the pack knowing before you'll leave the room." Tally said with an excited grin.
    I laughed with her shyly.
    "Are you crazy, I don't even know for sure of this is going to be a out Trevor and I." I said in embarrassment.
    "Now Alana you know as well as I do he wouldn't be calling you in the middle of his meeting unless it was important." Tally said giving my shoulder a squeeze before we stopped at the door of my fathers meeting room.
    I took a big breath and shakily exhaled.
    "I'll make sure Trevor and a few others are here when you come out." Tally said with an encouraging smile.
    I gave her a thankful nod, Tally had to be one of my closest friends ever, she knew me better then I knew myself.
    "Good now get in there." She said.
    I quickly smoothed my wild mess of blonde hair that had gotten damp from the brisk morning run Trevor and I had. When I was int wolf form nothing really matters to me, there was nothing better then the wild and free feeling when I phased.
    After giving Tally another nod I opened the door, pulling what confidence I had and made it look like I wasn't in the slightest scared out of my mind.
    The room was packed with all of our elders, and a few others that I wasn't familiar with, their scents had me cautiously moving to my fathers side.
    Judging by the atmosphere in here I doubted this was about Trevor and I.
    "thank you for coming my dear, please take a seat." My father said pulling a chair from beside him.
    I did what he said without question nervously looking away from all the staring and tried to catch what my father had wanted from me.
    "As you all see this is my daughter Alana, she is 18, And has not yet been mated, or marked." My father announced to my shock and embarrassment.
    Each of the strangers now were looking me over, making me feel a little uncomfortable.
    What strikes me at that moment was all the strangers unlike the elders I was familiar with they were young, around my age and they all sat with dominance and power.
    I looked at each of them trying to figure out what was going on. It their expressions remained blank.
    One in particular though had interested me.
    He looked the youngest, yet he has just as serious and powerful looking as the others. He sat perfectly straight, his soft looking raven black hair falling in gentle waves just above his beautiful blue eyes. I knew it was wrong for me to think of another male as appealing when my heart belonged to another bit his appearance was unbelievably breathtaking, his features were perfectly chiseled on his god like face, and the way he had looked her over like the other created an low clench in my stomach.
    "Anyone?" My father asked hopefully and I looked to him beyond confused.
    I watches as a few people raised their hands, in including the handsome stranger that has caught my eye.
    My father smiled eagerly.
    "Father what's going on?" I whispered lowly to him now able to take this mystery anymore, but he gave My hand a pat.
    "Don't worry about it Alana all will be explained soon." He said then looked to the others again.
    But as the door opened again I was shocked to see both of my sisters and my mom coming in.
    Aubrey looked annoyed as she took in the room, while Amber peeked at them nervously from behind our mothers back.
    As they saw me though they quickly walked over and sat down beside me looking at least a little more comfortable.
    "Alana do you know what's going on, I was busy shopping with Randle when I was pretty much grabbed and forcefully brought here." Aubrey said huffing and narrowing her eyes at our father.
    "No idea father won't tell me a thing." I said frowning slightly.
    "God this sucks I wanted to be with Randle just for a few minutes but no o have to sit here in wrinkle fest." Aubrey snapped, and the elders stared at her in shock and disgust.
    Amber and I elbowed her nervously, trying to hold b ack our own laughter.
    "That's enough Aubrey." Our father said with a low glare at her that send chills down my spine. No one could ignore an alphas command ever, even the strongest willed pack member has no say if if comes to the alphas choice.
    "Yes sir." Aubrey said sweetly, and I watched as my father rolled his eyes before continuing on
    "This is my daughter Aubrey, she is 19, she has been mated at one time, but has not been marked." My father said to them all and Aubrey glared at him shocked.
    "Wow thanks for giving them all of my personal information." She said looking shocked and annoyed.
    Our father continued on as if he hadn't heard her.
    "And this is my other daughter Amber, she is 17, never mated or had been marked." He said pointing to Amber with an encouraging smile.
    She weakly nodded to each of the men in respect and would'nt look them in the eyes.
    "Alright anyone for Aubrey?" My father asked with a raises brow to all of them.
    Only two people raised their hands but they both looked to Aubrey with interest, which was a rare thing.
    "Ok, and how about for Amber?" He asked now glancing over to each of us.
    A couple hesitantly raised their hands, I was for some reason relieved that the handsome boy hadn't raised his hand for any of my sisters.
    It was stupid to be thinking such thinks, Trevor wouldn't have been to happy about it, so on fear that my thoughts wouldn't wonder around this strangers beauty I looked away from him and tried to listen to what my father was saying.
    "Now all who want Alana please speak up, and voice why you are best suited for her." My father said pointing to me.
    My eyes widened in shock.


  4. Bump!!!
  5. Bump!! Great as per usual! I like the cliff hanger it's captivating and I want MORE!! 
  6. Bump!

    I absolutely adore you writing skills!
  7. 

    I froze in shock at this, what did he mean who was best suited, and for what? Surely not in a romantic way right, I was in love with Trevor.
    "She appears strong, dependable, and perfect d or breeding purposes, we could make strong new wolfs for our pack." One man said looking me over repeatedly.
    My mouth hang open at that in shock as I exchanged looks with my sisters. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I was going to be forced into a arranged matting, along with my sisters.
    My heart broke as I imaged Trevor's pain when I tell him.
    "She is pretty so she deserves a handsome guy like me." One of the men said, he had been a young one, maybe younger the me even. That thought disgusted me, and I prayed he wouldn't be the alpha I was given.
    "She looks kind, healthy, respectful, and capable of having a trusting, and enjoyable relationship. I would protect her with my life, and treat her as one of the pack." The handsome boy said glancing to me with a slight smile.
    My heart fluttered at that, but I slushed the feeling away, feeling as if i was betraying Trevor.
    "I will spoil her, give her what ever she wants or needs, and with such a attractive woman as she is we would make the most handsome pups." another guy said then a few other men spoke up but the only one that had really flattered me was the handsome boys words
    Was he telling the truth, or was he just saying the thing that would help his pack? Did I want him to be telling the truth though?
    How could I even think of this while I was still with Trevor, it was so wrong, I should be ashamed, but I had no control of any of this.
    My father nodded seeming to think about it little.
    "Quinn I think you would be the best man for my daughter." My father said after a pause, and I watched as they gorgeous boy that I had been keeping eye on nodded seriously, and gave me a smile.
    I gave him the best smile I could come up with, at least I was given the only man here I could seem to stand.
    Aubrey nudged me with a frown.
    "No fair you took the only hot guy here, I wanted him." She said and I could tell that she was partly being serious.
    "It wasn't really my choice, besides you have an boyfriend." I said rolling my eyes, but she was right there was no one here other then this guy that is even a little appealing.
    Next my Father paired a boy named Carmine with Aubrey, they seemed a lot alike, they had the same humor, and snarky attitude. He wasn't that bad looking either, but not as beautiful as the man I would become connected to.
    Quinn, that was his name, even his name was attractive, but I refused to think this way, not with Trevor waiting outside the door expecting to be allowed to mate me.
    But as Quinn watched me, not looking away once I found myself trapped in his gorgeous blue eyes.
    I knew I should look away but the thing was I didn't want to as stupid and selfish as or was I wanted to stay deeply locked in his amazing eyes.
    I hardly payed attention as a boy was chosen for Amber.
    A young boy named Tyler was picked, he extremely timid, but when it came his time to speak he spoke loud and proud with confidence and honesty. He was rather plane to look at but he really was good for Amber.
    Amber didn't mind any of this, she didn't have any serious relationships, nor has she ever she was to shy to talk to any male wolves, but now she had someone.
    If I wasn't already seeing someone then I might not have minded so much that I was being arranged to mate.
    Aubrey and I both had boys that we loved and we were waiting to get the permission to be marked. Aubrey already mated with someone a long time ago but he had been killed one night by human hunters. So Aubrey has always been hesitant to get to close to anyone.
    Me on the other hand couldn't wait to get mated, and marked, and have a family of my own, but with Trevor, not some stranger.
    "Thank you all for coming, as you know with the mating of my daughters to each of you're packs will better insure peace between our packs." My father announced standing up.
    Everyone stood now and they all shook hands, mum ling pleasant comments back and forth.
    I watched nervously as Quinn, Carmine, and Tyler came over to us.
    "You three are welcome to stay for a feast and get to know each other before tonights mating." My father said.
    With those words Aubrey and I snapped out of it and realized what was going to happen.
    "But what about Trevor?" I asked with a desperate look to my father.
    "And Randle." Aubrey said glaring at everything.
    I noticed that Quinn and Carmine both narrowed their eyes at this.
    "I'm sorry girls but it's for the good of the pack." Our father said in a tone that ended farther discussion.
    "Who is Trevor?" Quinn asked, his smooth voice tainted with a tone of jealousy.
    This surprised me, he really already was feeling possessive of me, or was I just imagining things?
    "Yeah and who is Randle?" Carmine said looking Aubrey over carefully.
    "We are." A low growl sounded from behind us.
    "And I suggest you take a few steps off our women before we break your fingers." Randle spat, and I watched Aubrey swoon.
    Quinn and Carmine both looked at each other then busted out in a fit of dark laughter.
    I gulped as I took in Randle and Trevor's confused looks.
    "Your women, I don't think so, not any more that is." Carmine said with a smug grin at Randle.
    I was glad that at least Quinn wasn't provoking Trevor, but stood protectively between the two of us.
    "what the hell are you two talking about, what happened, you aren't taking them from us." Trevor snarled.
    Shocked by Trevor's violent words my instincts had me relaxing more behind Quinn but I forced myself to face Trevor.
    "Trevor, I know this isn't what we thought our lives would be, I wanted us to work out, but this is for the good of my people, so as of now what we had is over." I said tears filling my eyes, and my heart twisting in pain.
    Trevor's face feel, looking so broke, I hated myself for what I've done to him.
    I was shocked to feel a firm muscular arm around me making sparks of heat to dance across my skin.
    I wanted to pull away from it but at the moment it was the only thing keeping me from falling to my knees of pain.
    I relaxed into Quinn's arms needing comfort more then anything at the moment.
    "I'm sorry it's ok." Quinn whispered I'm my ear, and hesitantly rubbed my back.
    I really appreciated Quinn for doing this, it was obvious that this alpha cared for everyone even
    people he didn't even know.
    When I had gotten a handle on myself I looked up to see Aubrey had said good bye to Randle, tiny tears in her eyes, but she stood on her own two feet.
    I pulled away from Quinn not wanting to make him think that I was the weak whining type of mate.
    No one left now in the room but Aubrey, me, and our new mateS.
    At the feast Aubrey and I was still bummed about dumping the guys but we both came to an agreement that if things went smoothly tonight we would give these alphas a chance.
    But I wondered to myself if Quinn would ever have feelings for me, would I spend forever alone connected with a man who doesn't love me.
    I shuddered at the thought, but I didn't know of I was capable of loving anyone like I had loved Trevor.


  8. Great, as always 
  9. Bump! I love this story, the way you write and I hope you update soon!
  10. 

    I hadn't learned to much about Quinn during dinner but I payed attention to what he had said.
    He was an overall nice guy, he had a good sense of humor, he had it all, the looks, he was charming, we could possibly be friends I think, but he wasn't Trevor.
    Aubrey on the other hand ignored Carmine the whole time, she was just as upset about losing Randle then me losing Trevor.
    Quinn's eyes never left mine as we ate, it was making me nervous yet exciting me. I shoved my emotions away not wanting to feel the guilt of what happened between Trevor and I.
    The feast had ended to soon, and before I know it my sisters and I was being pulled up the stairs were several bedrooms were ready.
    I gulped, feeling more and more nervous with every step.
    This wasn't how I bad wanted to get mated, I wanted it to be in the heat of the moment, in a special place in the woods, were the wild flowers still bloomed. Under the light of the moon, and most importantly with Trevor.
    I tried not to pay any attention at the little tingles and sparks that bounced between Quinn and I, as he held my hands firmly in his large ones and I watched as each of us was separated into rooms with our new mates.
    When the door was shut behind us Quinn turned to me looking nervous himself.
    "I'm really sorry we were kinda forces into this, but I want you to know that I'm going to do my best to make this work between us." Quinn said nervously running his hands through his long soft looking black hair.
    I admired his willingness, and the dedication to his pack, this filled me with a warm buzz.
    I gave him a nod, to nervous to even speak, but at the same time I was glad I at least would be mating with a very kind man, even though it wasn't my Trevor.
    Quinn's arms came around me suddenly pulling me close to him, and I breathed in his scent.
    His mouth found mine and gently he kissed me, it was warm kiss, his lips molded to mine perfectly.
    And in a few seconds we flopped down on the bed.
    As my eyes opened the next morning I moaned in guilt. It had been the best experience of my life and i had really enjoyed it.
    If Trevor ever knew she felt this way he would have been in agony.
    But strangely something hit me, the warm fuzzy feeling I used to get thinking about Trevor was gone.
    I had mated, and now I belonged to Quinn...
    And now even that thought didn't bother me as much as i'd like.
    Sure last night was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me I was still with a stranger so that should bother me make me feel ashamed, but I wasn't.
    I looked over to see Quinn sleeping peacefully beside me one arm wrapped around me. If felt comfortable, and shockingly I was able to relax info his side.
    But I had to get up, I needed to think, and with Quinn looking so peacefully asleep I couldn't think.
    I slowly slide out of his arms and went to the bathroom to clean up a little.
    I jumped in surprise as I bumped into someone.
    It was Aubrey, and in seconds April bumped into me, with a gasp.
    We all laughed at that and headed into the bathroom together.
    "God my hair looks horrible." I groaned and began to rush through it harshly.
    "I don't know about you girls but I think I'm going to give my man a chance, that was great." Aubrey said with a smirk.
    We couldn't help but giggle at that.
    "I know what you me, it was a big WOW for me." Amber admitted shyly.
    "Yeah, that had to be the best night of my life." I said with a grin.
    "Oh really, you to?" An amused voice said from behind me, and I quickly turned in shock.
    I blushed in shock as I took in all the guys standing in the doorway smirking at us.
    "Hey no ease-dropping." I pouted.
    They all laughed at me in amusement before coming in and getting a hold of us.
    Without thinking I relaxed into Quinn's arms as he wrapped them around me.
    My eyes flashed to the mirror taking in the couple in front of me.
    He stood tall towering over her, with impressive muscles, and pure beauty only a god could possess. His eyes were locked on the girl with a protectively smile on his perfectly full lips.
    The girl stood calmly in his arms, her emerald green eyes filled with peace and happiness, so why didn't she feel like that?
    Peaceful, yes but was she happy being with Quinn or was it just from their steamy night last night?
    I wasnt sure what to think, I needed time to sort out my feelings.
    "Come on babe let's get some breakfast." Carmine said wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
    She shrugged it off with a roll of her eyes.
    "Don't get to confident kid, you're not going get a hold on me that easily." Aubrey said and marched out of the bathroom.
    Sharing a quick kiss Amber and Tyler walked off after them.
    I gave Quinn a smile and began pulling him after the others.
    At breakfast I quickly went to work on making it, cooking was the perfect way to think all of this through.
    I watched as people began to fill in at the table, my mother and father, a few of the wolves patrolling around here, and to make it awkward Randle and Trevor came.
    I watched nervously as the table became tense, and Quinn, and Carmine froze with fake smiles on their faces.
    "Umm who wanted what?" I asked looking around the table in hopes it would distract them all.
    "Pancakes for me dear." My father said seeming unaware of the intense stars down between our mates and our old boyfriends.
    "Quinn?" I said getting his attention.
    He looked up at me curiously.
    "Yes Alana?" He asked with a smile.
    "Could you give me a hand up here?" I asked hopefully.
    "Sure." He said easily and got up from his spot at the table and walked over to me.
    "Ok what do I have to do?" He asked looking around at the vast kitchen equipment.
    "Do you know how to make eggs and bacon?" I asked as I passed all the usual pancake eaters their plates.
    "Yeah to an extent." Quinn said with a grin.
    "Alright make four plates of eggs and enough bacon for everyone." I said as I began to make the waffles and sausage.
    Quinn and I worked together quietly but I could feel his eyes on me more then be should be, I didn't want to clean up burned eggs.
    The next time I felt his eyes on me without looking I spoke to him.
    "Eyes on the eggs mister, if you burn the eggs your eating them." I said with a smirk.
    I heard a few muffled snickers at that and Quinn even chuckled himself.
    "Yes ma'am." Quinn said leaning over said kissing my cheek.
    I heard a low growl at the table but I didn't need to turn around to no who it was, and I did feel a little bad but Quinn was my mate now.
    I gave Quinn a small smile in hopes to reassure him, and seemed to understand and smiled back.


  11. Bumpppppp!!!!!! I love your long bumps 
  12. 

    After we had finished making breakfast we both sat down to finally eat ourselves.
    "This is delicious you two, you two seem to make a great team." My mother said shocking us all with her words.
    My mother had gone through a very traumatic thing and if has resulted on her to almost never talking. She says maybe one sentence a month, so when she speaks it always catches us by surprise.
    Our youngest sister Allie was shot right in front of her eyes, she had been stuck in a trap out in the woods and my mother wasn't quick enough to get to her. For months she had never spoken, nor eat, or hunt, or even attempt to phase back into wolf form.
    "Thanks mom." I said with a hopeful smile to her but she didn't say anymore.
    "Damn Quinn, we finally have a real cook for around." Carmine said taking a big bite of pancake in delight.
    This took me by surprise.
    "You two come from the same pack?" I said looking between them curiously.
    Quinn chuckled as he laid his arm around the back of my chair.
    "We're brothers." Quinn explained, and I was blown away.
    I didn't even notice the alikeness of the two but I could see that they shared a lot of their features.
    Carmine had caramel colored hair, with a mix of black tints through it, and his eyes were muddy brown unlike Quinn's beautiful blue eyes.
    It appears that Carmine was the oldest of them, even though he was less muscular, and physically built then Quinn.
    "So we don't have to split up." Aubrey said beaming at me.
    This did make me feel much better, and I smiled back in relief, but then we both looked to Amber.
    She looked down tears filling her eyes.
    It broke my heart to see her so sad, we three have never been split up even when we were pups we stuck together. And now I won't be seeing Amber for a long time, I'll have Aubrey but it won't be the same.
    "I'm going to miss you guys." She said sniffing as Tyler hugged her to him.
    "We'll visit, we promise." Aubrey said biting her lip as she held back her emotions.
    "Yeah, we'll call and stay in touch." I said holding back my own tears.
    Quinn gently pulled me closer to him looking me over with a sad look.
    "If they would just mated with us, they wouldn't have to be split up, and have to say goodbye to all their friends, family, and their childhood." Trevor said looking at my father with a hard expression.
    "It was for the good of this pack, what is done is done." My father said holding back a growl.
    "Did you once take in account you're daughters feelings about this, you just ruined their how future now." Randle said in a snap.
    It looked like my father was now doing to explode, so I took this time to jump in, to defend my mate.
    "My father is right we are both already mated, there is no way to change that." I said calmly.
    "The hell their is." Randle growled.
    "That's enough." Quinn said locking a dangerously hostile glare at the both of them.
    You could hear the alpha in him now, and they both fell silent looking as though they knew they had gone to far, and fear crawled in their eyes.
    Quinn continued to glare at the two his blue eyes flashing with anger.
    "I don't like my mate being growled at, or another male trying to claim her." Quinn said barring his sharp teeth at them.
    The look gave me chills, and I was shocked that I actually found myself getting excited watching Quinn putting them in there place, his power was attractive. But that was Trevor he was yelling at, how could I like it, I loved Trevor, but I couldn't bring myself to speak against him.
    Trevor and Randle both nodded reluctantly, and after Quinn looked away from them they got up.
    "I have to umm, go help the patrol around the woods, thanks for breakfast." Trevor stuttered and was gone in seconds.
    "Gotta get to work down at the car dealer place." Randle grumbled and stalked off.
    Aubrey and I both sighed.
    It was going to be hard to let Trevor and Randle go, and even after that I didn't know If we would ever fall in love with our mates.
    It appeared that amber already was falling in love with Tyler, the way he would comfort her and talk to her held nothing but love, and she listened to every word with complete interest. She would be happy, but would Aubrey and I?
    After all of my bags were packed into Quinn's car I walked teary eyes back to my family and all of my friends.
    I hugged each of them, feeling pain and agony as some broke out in cries.
    "We had some good times Alana." Tally said tears running down her cheeks.
    I sniffed.
    "We sure did, we could make on great pizza together." I said and we both laughed before we hugged.
    I sadly didn't see Trevor here or Randle, but maybe it was for the best, it would just make this more painful for all of us.
    "You make sure you call." My best friend Eliza said hugging me sobbing loudly.
    That's what really broke me as I began to cry to, I hugged her tightly.
    Eliza had been my very first friend ever, we partnered up in school while Aubrey and Amber usually partnered up. She was like my third sister.
    "I will, I promise." I said when we let go.
    "Good, and don't forget to visit once in a while." She said to me seriously.
    I nodded, wiping my tears away.
    "Hey is that your alpha over there?" Eliza asked nodding over to Quinn leaning against his car watching me closely.
    I nodded with a small smile.
    She whistled and wagged her brows at me.
    "By the look of him I think he's gonna be worth leaving for." She said making me blush.
    We laughed, Eliza always knew how to make me smile, but now she had me thinking, was Quinn worth leaving for? I didn't know, but I didn't have time to think about that for my mother had me tightly in her arms.
    "Look past the the past, and set you're heart for the future." She whispered to me.
    I stared at her in shock and tears filled my eyes again as I nodded.
    "Ok mom." I said hugging her gently, wanting to keep this memory in my mind forever.
    "Good bye my Alana, I'll write to you, please send my love to you're sisters." She whispered to me again.
    I nodded still had a hard time believing my mother was speaking thins much, it was more then I hear her say in months.
    She gently kissed the top of my head, and pulled away to move to Amber next.
    Quinn walked over to my with a guilty look on his face.
    "Alana I'm really sorry about all of this." Quinn said looking pained.
    "It's ok it wasn't your idea, it's what is good for our packs." I said looking down in sadness.
    Well.. Goodbye life.
