Warning .... Rampage on Garrett follows Oh heeeeell no fuck you garrett, You should take that back you stupid fuck how fucking insensitive can you be? You are so rude no wonder everyone thinks your annoying. Your never going to impress any girl in your life with that kind of behaviour..... My photo aint even slutty or prostituty you dick.... And for the last time my name is JAZARAZTAZ not fucking GARAZTAZ !!!???? Grrr And to your little friend mitchell or whatever... Who are you calling lil kids aye? How old are you 10? So you sit down and shut the fuck up aswell. My apologises to everyone else that had to read this
Im sorry i normaly wouldnt go physco buuut he said i looked slutty and prostiuty and i wasnt about to let him get away with that
Jaz im not a kid under stand slut Do u go to school jaz because im wandering what class u took to become an unbarable sycho Im 13 almost 14 ok sycho
Pwnd be quiet k Im not stoppin cause she called me a kid and dissed my bro garret Ps. She deserved it saying that