picture thread:)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *k3ll3y (01), Sep 7, 2011.

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  1. Haha so im guessing hes irratating judging on the responses you guys just gave me?

  2. [​IMG]
    My friends came to my house to party! xP

    My friends acting XD

  3. Wow don't I feel welcome?!!! I was thinking wtf! Cuz I dranky way to much redbull' and it was 4:40am and I was hopped up!
  4. @giantman OMG!! What is that girl's name?? That was my favourite childhood show. 
  5. @garaztaz I'm not calling u ""ugs" that looks a bit' um how do put this in a nice way?

    Prostitutey and sluty' 
  6.  go garret my bro 
    Im back and if u got a prob then whine u bunch of lil kids all u do is pick on my bro garret but when im on ur all quiet WTF if u got a prob with me or my bro garret then u can go suck a pile of  
    Sincerly ~MDC98
  7. Boom  how u kiddy's like dat 
  8. Wtf Mitch!! Who said they have a problem with me?? Some of them think I'm annoying' wait no" most of them think I'm annoying' no" yah all of them think I'm Annoying and Idk why?

    I'll I do is post pics tell some jokes' and argue now and then!

    And p.s there not saying nothing because they went to school!! Not because u showed up! Just sayin
  9. Nope I'm off to work
  10. Going straight to the job from here
  11. Unless you actually meant the post
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