I didn't care that first period had started. I didn't care that before class Jeff was standing outside the bathroom calling for me. I didn't know what to do anymore. During the middle of first period, Sophie came in the bathroom and was calling for me. "Open up." She said calmly. I unlocked the stall door and walked out and slumped down against a wall onto the floor. "Do you want a ride home? Or do you like want me to escort you to class? Mr. Calum sent me to come get you, he said if you don't choose then he will come talk to you himself, which I wouldn't mind myself.. He's so hot." I rolled my eyes. "I'll go to class. I'll be fine." "You sure?" I nodded and we got up and left to class. As I walked in, there was one seat opened in the back. My normal seat, next to Hill, was taken by Maeghan. Mr. Calum welcomed me and Hill lifted his head up and our eyes met and I quickly looked down and I knew he was still watching. I passed Maeghan and him on my way to the back. I barely payed attention in class. Most of the time I was texting Jeff. He was worried about me. This was our conversation: Him: R u alright babe? U mad? Me: I'm fine. Him: I feel like Im ruining things for u. Me: what do u mean? Him: I mean like, before u were all happy with Hill. Me: it's not ur fault. We didn't finish the conversation, because the bell rang. The day went by slow. I had to talk to Hill. So that is my plan.