Basically since I have read all of the twilight books a few years ago... In the last book/film...... Jacob ends up falling in love ..... WITH BELLA sorry not Bella HER ******* BABY I know pretty weird If you support this gtfo that's just messed up shit js Feel free to debate I know there's fans out there I'm not hating or a hater.... :| Just bored xD
So if I have this straight this is what happened..... Taylor: Bella I don't love u anymore Bella: k Taylor: I love ur newborn baby who isn't even a month old and I'm like 18 or something Bella: u fucking pedo bear stay away from my kid!!! *pulls out shotgun and shoots* Taylor: I AM not A PEDO BEAR I am a rapist Bella: has vampire guy eat taylor
Why would read the books when there is the movies?? And btw I don't care for twighlight anyway!! Especially robert Paterson' he is like a white pedo
Imprinting and falling in love are technically not the same. Was it weird? Yes, but in the movie all visions Jacob had of her were of her being older. It was a twist so that Reneesme would not be harmed by Sam and the pack. I don't have an issue with it.
It'd not PEDo Jacob isn't gonna have feelings for Nessie like that until she is older it's not like he is secretly making out with the baby until she is older jacob will be the babys protector and best friend geez ppl come understand the books lol
Bit freaky tbh... But not like he the baby or anything. N his feelings 4 her won't b that strong till she's older... Anywho THE FILMS GREAT!! Lol
The books have more detail and they are better than the movies Garret. Other than the Hungry Caterpillar, what books have you read?
Hunter he doesn't have feelings for her now basically he is her protector and best friend until she becomes of age
It's basically the same thing as a 38 year old and a 85 year old but that's doesn't make a difference you fall in love with who you fall in love with