
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *LiLWeezeX55 (01), Nov 21, 2011.

  1. I realize that it was wrong for me to do that that but it takes two to tango I was devastated after she did that okay the problems solved and I don't need rogue or lhenonbdsnssa telling me. Okay
  2. Accused he probably meant to right
  3. Abased means to belittle .. Made to feel lesser than ..
  4. Lheninbdonossa


    And actually at the time we did need to tell
    U bcuz it's a little ignorant
  5. You're not worth the other names in my vocabulary so quicktool is what you shall be known

    Feel free to post an apology thread or reset and quit otherwise I shall continue hitting you
  6. I just apologized this problem doesn't need a forth thread rogue.
  7. Lheinssa ima girl
  8. And I meant abased .. The past tense of abase ..
  9. I meant to put she my bad
  10. I see no apology thread, until there is you get hit. Even a simple person like you can understand that

    Actions have consequences
    You are getting the consequences for your actions
  12. I an a judge:Heres my card
    Judge Lheinssa
    I will bring justice..and some other ****
    All I know is I am very argumentative and smart
  13. I'M not makin another thread for something already settled I'm not doing it I said sorry.
  14. Quick i told u a million times what happen wen i was sleeping my friend stole my ipod and did tht hes the racist not mee okay i love all people and im not aginst race sex or sexuallty thank you for all the people who have supported me and im telling the truth about everything i swear to GOD
  15. First time we heard that story eh?
  16. we aren't going to believe you 
  17. Colombus didn't start slavery that was Nathaniel Bacon, just to let that out 
  18. And All the first slaves were strictly Indians
  19. Thank you blockey for saying that. I can't believe it went pages with no one correcting that it was Native Americans that were the first slaves.
  20. actually the Chinese were the first slaves when the qin dynasty Rose