I propose the idea that we can trade in this game credits, money, and doc notes. Yes I do realize possibilty of being releated thread. Anyways, I would like to trade things with my peers, for example Ohh gosh my friend is in war, no doc notes, and I have lots of them, here lets trade your money for my notes, how much you wanna trade for them? blah blah blah negociate.... traded or same with credits. cannot trade money for money, credits for credits, etc etc. I think this idea would be great for growth ta da
This would actually be a good idea after credit- pimd money exchange gets reverted back. Who is still on tbe boycott?
Good idea. But it would be used as an easier way of getting cash. If a player wanted to volley their tutor to higher stats, the player could just gain 1 Extra Credit and give his/her tutor $2.5Bil. You see what I mean? But a good idea which should be discussed by A Thinking Ape.
Imagine.... Ok tutor give me 1 credit and I will give you such and such. works out perfectly . IF ONLY they read forums. My ideas are usually good.
ATA can come up with the restrictions if they choose to implement this idea. I think it's a neat idea but I have found that they don't listen to their customers. It took them 4 months to fix a simple grammatical error that I pointed out to them.
SOUND GOOD!! Exept I don't want restrictions like if I need 20b and I will give 1 doc note or even better u can gift money or doc notes or ec
I live in Vancouver... What's tree address? Where do they live... Point Grey, the west end, Mt Pleasant, Marpoel? Which neighborhood? Oh yea the idea... I'm still against this kind if idea, bit it WOULD fix the tutor market.