To everyone who thi ms im racist: im no racist okay i dint care what color you are i love you all the same so stop saying im racist bc im not ill Make it clear tht im not tooo okay it doesnt matter i your black or white michael jackson once says soo stop and im not a mean person okay just stop the hate
you still did it G it was wrong now I saidshe said u look to old for me don't talk to me anymore blocked and kicked me now as I said it may not be because im black but she still blocked and kicked me from the club it was wrong now I thought I was her bestfriend but for to treat me like that after 7 month friendship that was wrong and if I don't look old or that tall what other reason was it that why I said black.sorry to confuse people but it was still wrong to be cut off like that.
lol if u think a 15 year old is too old then u must be like 7 There's plenty of people over 20 and even over 35 on this game
Just about all of my friends on this game are older than me and I'm 18. I don't even see a problem with being friends with older people. If anything, it's nice to have older friends because they're more mature and they respect everyone in their club. I have some younger friends too and they don't bother me at all, I don't really care about age. But if you don't want to talk to someone because they're older than you then you are probably too immature and will be immature for a long time.
G I'm not calling you racist even though you ended the friendship on questionable terms you did and still do talk to guys "older"than me and you have no real reason for blocking me okay and just cause you love our music doesnt mean you love us mkay just to clarify