Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shmole, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. Here you can say all the funniest moments on family guy that you have seen, funny and jokes you may have heard and even some of the songs and just characters in general. You may even want to right down a song you like from family guy. GO CRAZYY!!!
  2. OK I had to watch the episode to understand exactly what you were talking about. He later does a video with words and music by Brian Adams.

    "Oh my god, she's so hot.
    Look at that, she can fit that full bottle in her mouth.
    Allright, come on Stewie, you can write a song. How hard could it be."

    "You your G-code right here
    It's like a cozy house where you live
    that's where you start your journey
    here I am in my house, nice and cozy
    and then you poke your head out the door with the seacode(?)
    everything looks ok out here
    maybe I'll take a walk outside
    to the decored
    oh, walking around outside
    look at all that stuff out here
    and then we go to an ...(?)
    getting a little cloudy out here
    looking like we might have some weather
    then we go to ...(?) oh, definetly goes some weather
    things a little more complicated than they seen at first
    and then we go back to my house
    You sound like an unbelieveable douche.
    then Brian comes in and I change up the tempo
    Brian comes in and it changes the song
    looking at me like he thinks I'm a douchebag
    but he's gonna learn pretty fast that he's wrong
    hey Brian, why are you bringing me down there?
    why are you bringing me down? DON'T BRING ME DOWN!
    Music and lyrics by Stewie Griffin."
  3. We need more lemon pledge
    I love consuella and her antics
  4. Oh no oh no oh no
    Oh yea
  5. Roadhouse
  6. My fave episode:

    When Peter meets Jesus
    Peter:r u Jesus ?
    Peter:eek:k so u won't mid if I pee on this DVDs (I think)
    Jesus: ok ok I'm Jesus


    Later on...

    AT the dinner table

    Peter:Jesus can you do me a favor

    Magically peters wife grows a bigger chest
  7. Wow. Took alot of time to do all that writing lol
  8. Does anyone here kno about the word
  9. My fav quotes are:

    "Hello, mother. I come bearing a gift. I'll give you a hint. It's in my diaper and it's not a toaster."

    "Am I to spend the entire day wallowing around in my own feces? A little service here!"

    "What's this? Blueberries? Oh, oh my G...oh, that's better than sex!"

    "You know, I rather like this God fellow. Very theatrical, you know. Pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence... gotta get me some of that."

    "Do these huggies make my ass look big?"

    [Brian and Stewie are on a German tour bus]
    German Tour Guide: You vill find more on Germany's contributions to ze arts in ze pamphlets ve have provided.
    Brian Griffin: Yeah, about your pamphlet... uh, I'm not seeing anything about German history between 1939 and 1945. There's just a big gap.
    Tour guide: Everyone vas on vacation. On your left is Munich's first city hall, erected in 15...
    Brian Griffin: Wait, what are you talking about? Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and...
    Tour Guide: We were invited. Punch vas served. Check vit Poland.
    Brian Griffin: You can't just ignore those years. Thomas Mann fled to America because of Nazism's stranglehold on Germany.
    Tour guide: Nope, nope. He left to manage a Dairy Queen.
    Brian Griffin: A Dairy Queen? That's preposterous.
    Tour guide: I vill hear no more insinuations about the German people. Nothing bad happened. Sie werden sich hinsetzen. Sie werden ruhig sein. Sie werden nicht beleidigen Deutschland. You will sit down. You will shut up. You will not insult Germany. [Throws his hand up in a Hitler salute.]
    Brian Griffin: Uh, is that a beer hall?
    Tour guide: [Snapping out of it] Oh yes, Munich is renowned for its historic beer halls."

    Stewie Griffin [reading the Bible]: My my, what a thumping good read. Lions eating Christians, people nailing each other to two-by-fours. I'll say, you won't find that in Winnie the Pooh.
    Chris Griffin: Please, don't say pooh.

    "Damn you, vile woman! You've impeded my work since the day I escaped from your wretched womb."

    There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me. And it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her not to be alive anymore."

    "Victory is mine!"
  10. My fav Song:

    Dashing through the snow,
    On a 1 horse open sleigh,
    Over the hills we go,
    Just sounds really gay.

    Bells and bobtails ring,
    They sing 1-2-2,
    Time for me to laugh and sing and do a Christmas poo,


    Jingle bells,
    Quagmire smells,
    Meg just layer an egg.

    Too much boos and before you no Brian's humping Lois's leg.


    Jingle bells,
    Batman smells,
    My brother got drunk to.

    Threw up on the floor,
    Stopped by the door,
    Then urinated in his shoes.


  11. Yay merry christmas everyone
    Happy birthday jesus

    7 maids a milking
    6 maids a milking
    5 maids a (falls face first into snow)
  12. Best scene i think its the episode which Griffin challenge the guys in the house to drink chowder. Whoever last puke gets to eat the last pie 
  13. I also like "The German Guy"

    The old gay guy sees Chris making friends with his enemy (a natzi from war)
  14. The word

    The bird word?
  15. Re: simpsons

  16. No no mr superman no here