
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Take_A_Chance_on_meAKA_PWND, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. I got into a wreck today that pretty much totaled my car but now the damn thing wants to run again...

    It looks like I took a monster truck to it though
  2. Fail

    Best of!!! 
  3. Damn thing won't make up it's mind
  4. Damn.

    I'd cry if my car ever was totaled. She's my baby... You know, besides my animals. 
  5. Awe poor car :/ I shall cry for it later
  6. 2 days old?  I'd die.

    I've had my car for nearly 4 years and I still freak out when I even get a scratch.
  7. 2 days old i hope u have gap insurance
  8. My car wasn't even a day old  I drove it off a cliff. Probably was a good idea to take driving lessons.