why 1 star reviewing was bad idea

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Amazing_Potato, Nov 16, 2011.

  1. All the bad reviews are actually going to discourage new players

    We need newbies to volley and stimulate tutor market. So let's try and band together and save the game!

    I accept that people might not give 5 stars but change your 1 star reviews! If you intend to keep playing it can only help you

  2. Well done
  3. Thank you, at least someone understands lol.
  4. Seriously if you've played almost a year, try and give partial credit for the months of fun

    3 stars still says it's not perfect 
  5. If still give it 4 stars cause I still like the game because of the people.. But I still want that conversion rate to go up, at least make it half of the old coversion rate or maybe 75% lol
  6. I agree 90% was a much higher drop than anyone could have foreseen. But since we can't do anything about it we should try and get more new players to volley so we still can MAKE money. So I applaud the 4 star review
  7. Correct, I've been saying this the whole time.

    To all you bright sparks encouraging people to do so, you're going to loose the volley income as less people joined.

    Oh and another thing, after the update? All the players that stamped their feet and said they'd never join another ATA app seem to be having good fun in GaW ;)

    Have a good day/night. =)
  8. Potato said somthing right  i agree i gave it 1star rating but ill try and change my rating because after this refund i like pimd . Btw potato is junkying GaW sad life potato sad life 
  9. Agreed but gaw is where it's at now I rekon pimd will die
  10. U can volley me =D I'm new and have the ropes down
  11. Lol GAW is the shiny new toy at Christmas. Everyone is playing it but eventually people who are more comfortable with other ATA games will return to them
  12.   

    I'll rate it  if it lets mee! Stupid review thingy wouldnt let mee rate it last time!

    Support ur fellow player by giving a better rating than before.This way we can get this volley economy back on track!

    And on a side note:
    Mon! I miss u! 
  13. GaW is nice.
    Because.. I spend my time upgrading an aiming for LB. 
  14. Exactly, Potato. I gave it a  
  15. I Agree!!!!
  16. OneStar review says something is wrong with the game and encourages ATA to try to fix the problem to get their rating back up thus geting new players and more money from the new players.
    I'll be giving a onestar review until I am refunded 65bil for the dorms I brought pre-update.

  17. What happened I don't play this game.
  18. Strategy, with our latest update several things happened. The most important were changes in dorm prices (leaving everyone OP) and exchange rate for credits to cash.

    The dorms dropped dramatically. The last dorm (32) used to be 16bil. It is now 500mil, just to give you an idea of how much everything dropped. ATA had only refunded the difference to people who had bought dorms within the last 2 weeks of the update. This, of course, was unfair to everyone who had LC'd previously and had spent billions in the process.
    And to give you an idea on our tutors(allies), the general hold value on our 5088cs volley was 352mil. It is now currently about 260mil.

    As for the exchange rate, if you were LC you'd get 1.2 bil for 15 credits. Now if you're LCBC you get 150ish mil. They had also changed it so exchange rate now depends on dorms and crew, as opposed to before when it was just dorms.
    When I was LC with 50cs, exchange rate was 20mil. Now I'm at almost 100cs, and exchange rate is 60mil I think.
  19. I am keeping my 1

    Pimd already died 