Need an 85k cs farm?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Couch_Violating_Panda-, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. -Deathpunch-

    You need some cash, and or to raise your fight stats? Check this kid out.
    If you ever had an itch to farm an active player, this is your chance. If you need a reason to farm him; wall/Pm me. But more importantly have fun farming. 

  2.  go farm bro and enjoy . I busy now join in later 
  3. Now why would you give this out?

    If you were smart you would have kept him for yourself, and not give it out to random people.
  4. Dusk. Learn to read and don't insult people.

    You illiterate fool.
  5. Ohh, he has that high of stats? I should have checked him out when I saw you first mention him.

  6. Bump !

    Farm his ass  !
  7. Paid me pretty good too. 