GaW, Im Makin a Club wana join?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Soldier_Boy (01), Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Im making a club in GaW. Anyone wana join? First 5 people to post they wana join gets admin and the 1st to post get Co-Owner. Im naming it "U.S.A. Army". Please join ill even help you guys upgrade!
  2. No...signature stealer
  3. Won't last fail clan. Fail leader. Fail thread
  4. Omfg one time i put it i never do any more
  5. Thx for taking my signature

    Apparently you don't have a brain for making up your own
  6. U put it more than once
  7. Fuck off harraser
  8. Do you k ow what harraser is

    Bcuz I am pretty sure you don't since it isn't a word

    You spelt it wrong dip ****
  9. I'm not harrassing you 
  10. get off this thread dip shits
  11. BYPASS
  12. He can report you for not getting off his thread when asked
  13. I can report him for bypassing eh...
  14. He didn't say any name

    I don't know anyone named dip ****