GaW-The Ace Family 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -AOC-X-, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. The ace family will be starting they're clubs in GaW, This is an advertisement for those who are willing to join the Aces once GaW starts, there are four clubs. -The Ace of Clubs. -The Ace of Hearts. -The Ace of Spades. -The Ace of Diamonds. If you are willing to join Wright here Hope to see you there 
  2. Could I be leader of one?
  3. Are u a leader of one of them now?:)
  4. I'll be there as -AOC-Dj_Blow :)
  5. :) me <3 this club :)
  6. Can I be

  7. I will But probably won't be in AoD Another Ace family I try
  8. Another Ace club I mean
  9. Either me or akai will start AOC up depending on who gets the game first lol
  10. Vatos Locos idea was good though
  11. Shall I be a member? =3
  12. Lolz yall are gonna fail epicly :lol
  13. Fail like your moms abortion 