GaW Release time

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheOneYouWantToBe, Nov 14, 2011.

  1.  Update= GaW's launch is a total bust for tonight,Apple hasn't gotten to post it on iTunes nor have they approved it
  2. 
  3. Yeah Canada!!! Wooooohhh!!!  But I have no idea when it comes out (I live in Canada.....)
  4. So it's ethics relasaed in 3 hrs or tomorrow night?
  5. Tommoro night, the shizzle where all the apps get approved is in New York City, New York which is in the EST. Time Zone (USA)... Soo lets hope for tommoro night
  6. It's released on
    Nov 15
  7. What is today looololollllllloll
  8. I send an email tooooo Apple.
    They said they haven't recieved amything!
  9. Farm Listkongkong2guilzcheese-pie-piemalissiahunter467442fentonjne1Goldenvalley