GaW: Botnet

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *BunanzaTheBunny (01), Nov 14, 2011.

  1. @echo off
    title Botnet....
    echo Loading..
    ping localhost -n 2
    echo Loading....
    ping localhost -n 2
    echo Advertisement Downloaded. Enjoy.

    My crime is that of judging people by what they say and think, not what they look like. My crime is that of outsmarting you, something you will never forgive me for. - The Mentor.

    An intelligent individual is a deadly force. Knowledge of a subject, knowing it's ins and outs is something to envy- or something to fear.

    Now take that intelligent individual and multiply him/her by 100. That's the power that you will be able to be a part of, all within a few pushes of a button.

    GaW, the new game by A Thinking Ape is coming within a week. People will be scrambling over leaderboard ranks, and power. Joining Botnet will give you a headstart- in both.

    Botnet will be a gang created for the sake of gaining money, fame, and glory. Growing rapidly, we will take over the leaderboards- with your help.

    To reserve a spot in the Botnet, leave a comment using this template:
    To request an admin position, leave a comment using this template:

    [b]Why you want to be admin[/b]
    Signing off.
  2. Botnet?

    My "Gang" is gonna be either RaZe or TeRRoRiZ3
  3. Sounds like a CoD clan.
  4. I already have like 30 people joining mine

  5. __supermonkey__
    7 1/2
    9(Im a kid a heart)
    Im responsible and kinda loyal.
    Im experienced and
    strive for the best for my friends. 
  7. How many members have you got? I have 24 already for mine. Many more are maybes.
  8. I hope u noobs relize in order to create a gang fast u would have to use IRL money because I ganentee you if you dont ur "members" will probaly join the first Gangs
  9. Monkey aren't you joining mine already?
  10. I aint gonna waste RL $$
  11. I have about 8 $25 iTunes cards sitting next to me unused
  12. The only person who isn't a noob is bunny or the person who made this thread because he actually made layouts compared to u people just picking people and trust me I've played games like these. If you dont spend inreal life money. Your gonna fall behind quick
  13. Where did you get the name Botnet? I might be interested, but I'm curious as to where you came up with tis
  14. How do I put this....

    I am ub3r l33t hax0rs, and I like hax, so I made the name a hax0r name.

  15. CMD tricks.. Ahh I love it