Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by _Veritas_Et_Aequitas_, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. I heard it comes out at midnight. I this true?
  2. When's midnight for you? It's 2:00AM here...
  3. I dont think it will be exactly midnight but sometime monday.
  4.  Yay! I might pretend to be sick and miss school to get GaW in time!

    Mhm. I'm keen.
  5. I probably will too lol. Actually my throat is a but scratchy... xD

  6. I'm making a gang, anyone wanna join?
  7. Can my gang be alliances with yours?
  8. Maybe, I don't have anyone to join yet though 
  9. I'll advertise it on Boo's News...

  10.  Ty first I have to make it, I hope no one takes my name idea
  11. As long as it's not Trappatoni, you'll be fine.
  12. Does it come out Monday or Tuesday?
  13. That would be awesome
  14. GaW is making me GaW crazy 
  15. Sup man , and I'm serious I can't wait maybe these debs will actually care any ways im
    Thinking of cool screen names
  16. I already got mine, as long as I get it first
    And I'm making a gang too
    Sill looking for people to join