
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Adele-QueenOfBread, Nov 11, 2011.

  1. (Where Are We?)
  2. (Ya Really >Go To SleepThan School lol idk?)


    (Ice u can be new student at school
  3. •Wakes•

    Walks to school
  4. -Brushes her hair-
  5. "Wakes up"
    than gets ready and walks to school
  6. -She yawns and texts katlyn: Good morning....-
  7. -wakes up and walks to school, thinks about how flame kissed Ash-
  8. (Katelyns Brother)(She Gave Away Her IPad)
  9. (Fail. Sorry of my failure in being able to know.)
  10. -I see ash and quickly walk away-
  11. •Sees Bridget•
    "Calling Bridget"
  12. -She starts walking and sees ash calling Bridget and waves and says a quiet hi while walking-
  13. -walks over to ash- hi -looks down at the ground-
  14. "•Umm Would You Like To Mabyee Havee Dinner Somee Timee" Ash Says Shakily
  15. "Smirks At Ash And Bridget"
  16. -She pokes Bridget and Ash-
    (I like poking people. )
  17. -smiles and looks up- yeah sure of course -pulls out a pen and writes my number on ash's hand- call me -walks away smiling-