
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *D8 (02), Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Awwww to bad
  2. @Michelle, the c word fits you. That was 30mins ago. To butthurt to reply to my previous statement, rather than the one I asked half an hour ago?
  3. Bobilly* sorry 

    It's okay, I do have actual icing in my apartment though. My ex-girlfriend was baking last night. 
  4. "ex-girlfriend"? If you don't mind me asking, are you a lesbian?
  5. icing can i come get it
  6. Lub u got a prob wot lesbians
  7. Oh my gods, lub how are you still not comprehending what I'm typing? Everything I've been typing since then has been due to your idiotic reply. And you continue to reply, without understanding what is going on.
    Do you just run through life twiddling your thumbs like you're doing here?
    I really hope this lack of comprehension is an act, for your sake. 
  8. I'm bisexual, actually.

    And sure bobilly, we have plenty of icing.
  9. I don't have a problem with lesbians. Michelle, can you comprehend what I'm typing? The last time i said "KaW got rid of Pwars" was 30minutes ago. Butthurt?
  10. Is butthurt all u got?
  11. Starting to think ure gay cause ure but is hurting alot
  12. No, but apparently it's all michelle has. 
  13. Lmfao, nice! Is that all you got, bobilly?
  14. No but it gonna be awkward 
  15. Who said I'm a guy?? What with noobs these days, assuming too much shit.
  16. Look you idiot, pimd is not a sex game! The top players actully play the game not sext! So got to sone sexting app and leave us alone!
  17. So ure a shemale thats ginna be even mire awkward