@Michelle, you sound like a bitch. No? Please quote where I said here. It'll give you something to do.
I'm the one who said here. You're the one who translates that into KaW. Oh my gods you're moronic. And yes, I am a bitch. Thanks for noticing.
@Michelle, still no quote? It's amazing how fast you replied. Do you not have anything better to do than sit here and stalk this thread untill one of your googled insults can fit in?
How can I quote something you never said. Again, READ WHAT I ACTUALLY TYPE. And yes, I am responding quickly. I'm icing my neck, so I can't move for at least a half hour. So to entertain myself, I'm pointing out how idiotic you are, and the fact that you are incapable of basic reading comprehension.
And sorry, I don't use google for insults. Moron and idiot are just two basic words. No need to research to use them as insults. But I have seen others use that same insult. Seems to me you're the one who has to look up insults. Nice try though. Again, how old are you, fail child?
The fact that you want to reply to this touches (back off, pedo's) me. You couldn't be hitting in one of your badass Real Wars?
Lub, read what I said, once again. I kept saying here, referring to PIMD, when talking about pwars. You then reply with "KaW got rid of pwars. We have to work for our money now" Comprehend now, or do I have to dumb this down further? Bobiy, lol hunny, ice as in frozen water. Not the scrumptious frosting.