is mag the ugliest 40yr old virgin in pimd

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Demo_mag_is_a_40yr_old_virgin (01), Nov 13, 2011.

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  1. Shit. Ignore that. I meant to put 

  2. does anyone have a spoon ????
  3. so you can eat my arse with it 
  4. tht comment was disgusting 
  5. Your derrière is if such proportions that I suggest we would need a spade rather than a spoon
  6. .....hmmm....
  7. Dude I pretty much ripped u a new one on your last thread and your come back it "super smexi is a hoe" What are u like 10? Who says that anymore? You my friend put the ERROR in Terror! Grow up already! Get off Mag's ! Go read a book! Man like I said before your mom should've  but she gave birth!
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