I Need A Helper. 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Webboo, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Hai guys.

    It's Boo, I reset so I can start fresh. And hopefully people will spell my name right now. ._.

    Anyboo, I need help.

    I need someone who can volley me. I know how to upgrade to 5088CS but if you want to take me higher, I'll need reminding of what to do.

    I would really appreciate any help you can provide me with.


  2. Meeee ! 
  3. No me

    Boo's Helper
  4. Not like Warrior's helpers.


    Just help volleying.

    I'd get hater-killed if I started my own 'Helpers'.

  5. I've been back for a while, Sak.

    Missed me?

    Didn't think so.

  6. Start off with a boo news
  7. I will volley you :D