Ahhh so now that I am boycotting credits I have come up with a list of things to spend my cash on: 1. A boob job 2. A huge billboard which reads "ATA can suck my Bazz" 3. Chihuahuas which I will breed 4. Some sort on illegal animal which I will also breed 5. A t-shirt that says "I spent money on pimd and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" 6. Probably some drugs 7. Lots of wine 8. A Brazilian wax
Seeing as I have never spent any RL cash on pimd in a year... I'm just going to spend my money on beer and shoes and...food?.. which most credit hoes forget about..
I just want to a find a place that will let me get a design bazz .. Something along the lines of 'suck it ata'