I'm Back. 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Webboo, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. Well whad'dya know?

    What was it? 2? 3 Days?

    I'm back though.

    Now before you all start saying: "Attention hore" and "You made such a big deal about it, mo'fo", please read:

    I left due to personal issues, my girlfriend kissed another guy on our 2 year anniversary, my Gran died and I might of had to move back to North London. ._.

    However, my girlfriend and I are back together, my Gran is resting in peace, and I rejected the offer from Barnet FC to join their academy, preventing me from moving to North London.

    I'll be on more than ever. Bet'ya can't wait. 

    Did I miss anything?

    And this new update is 'wicked'.

    I got gifts! 

    Still trying to figure out how to buy one... 

    And what's all this about "Refunds" and "Hire our overpriced tutors!"?


    Good to be back. I hope you think so too. :/

    Trappatoni. 
  2. Who are you? 
  3. How long was I gone?
  4. Thanks Michelle. 
  5. 

    3:23:47:11 
  6. Web, goto a persons wall.

    You can see the send gift icon there
  7. Isaac!  Thanks.
  8. Welcome back boo
  9. Boooooooooo!!!! 
  10. Thanks Jordan, I'ma send chu a gift. 

    OLIVIA! 
  11.  i dont know u but weclome back
     i hope ur 3 days journey was Epic
  12.  BOO!!!!!!!! I missed you!!!  glad you're back 
  13. Cheers, Prince.

    It was pretty epic.

    I ate 4 cookies.

    Az! 

    I missed all of joo.
  14. What type of cookies 
  15. ...




  16. I missed you so much boo