Well whad'dya know? What was it? 2? 3 Days? I'm back though. Now before you all start saying: "Attention hore" and "You made such a big deal about it, mo'fo", please read: I left due to personal issues, my girlfriend kissed another guy on our 2 year anniversary, my Gran died and I might of had to move back to North London. ._. However, my girlfriend and I are back together, my Gran is resting in peace, and I rejected the offer from Barnet FC to join their academy, preventing me from moving to North London. I'll be on more than ever. Bet'ya can't wait. Did I miss anything? And this new update is 'wicked'. I got gifts! Still trying to figure out how to buy one... And what's all this about "Refunds" and "Hire our overpriced tutors!"? Anyboo, Good to be back. I hope you think so too. :/ Trappatoni.