Ok thanks. And can u also tell me wat credits are tht everyone is tlking about and also wat lcbc means
Credits is a short term for Extra Credits which can be purchased from the nurse via IAP. There is also a 2% chance of receiving a credit each time you successfully do a job. LCBC literally means Land Complete Build Complete, but on PimD it means you have 32 dorms filled with Tier 4 seniors.
Yeah. How the exchange of credits to $ went down. How the tutor market has changed all players are basically now overpriced and the occasional hating the "see your crew in their natural habitat" dorm thing.
Not a good thing. A lot of us have been here for almost a year. Why would we just throw a years worth of hard work away because of someone else's fuck up? We wouldn't, and we won't.
Its just a game is why eventually u have to start over. Once your top of the top the game is done anyway.
The game will keep growing. You don't have to start over. Some of us have put real money into this game, why would we just throw that away?
Why wuld u waste money on a game? Thats a better question haha. Two each there own. It is wat it is live and let live
To some it's not wasting money, if it's still being used a year later. Wasting money would be spending to upgrade, then reset losing everything.
Ok so if this game makes u happy dont wine about the upgrade that makes it continue on just get over it and keep spending your well earned money or ur parents well earned money depending on how old the people are on here on a game
The game makes me happy, but the update doesn't. We can "whine" all we want because this update was a huge slap in the face to everyone, especially long-term players. We waited 7 months for something to positively change gameplay. Instead everyone can easily LC whereas it took the rest of us months. (Slap in the face) Everyone was left over priced. Trillions of dollars tied up in tutors. The tutor market is dead, barely anyone wants to move money, even if they can. And because they screwed up the cash to credits conversion, our wonderful BC's can't even jumpstart our economy like they did back in March. But it's all okay, because we can send gifts and we are left with horrible graphic layouts for the dorms and profiles. For a game that's supposed to be for 17 plus, they sure seem to be giving us childish bs.
It is wat it is. I understand it isnt fair to all ofus who hve played this for awhile but things happen and we dnt hve control over it just like in the real world we dnt hve control over gas price or tax reduction now do we
Oh, we definitely have control. ATA is nothing without its customers. Thus this chaos. Nothing changes if you just sit back and take it. Change only happens if you make it. Take life by the reigns, and control it.