I noticed most of the actives page is full of negative threads. I figured I would bring some positivity back (Also I don't think I've made any threads in months). So what is good in your life? My friends are amazing and
And I failed with posting the thread too early So tell me guys, what makes your life good at the moment?
I'm finally getting my car fixed. I don't have to move back home. My parents feel bad about my breakup they're going to pay half of my rent so I can continue to live on my own. Ohhh happy days
I get to play laser tag for the first time tomorrow!!!!! But I won't be on... But still!! Laser tag!!!!!!!!!
There we go, Happy all around I just found some great songs I love to listen to. Car fixed and half the rent sounds great! And laser tag is so much fun, tried it once before .
Laser tag is awesome.. Except for when everyone comes after you Um happy thoughts.. Some of the old pimd players are coming back (and some leaving)
Well naturally, Mindy makes me happy I'm finally all moved in my new house. Also, I play laser tag like its live action halo.