Desperately Needng You

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *partygirl6945 (01), Nov 7, 2011.

  1. My first post. [Prologue]

    My eyes swam in the pool of tears that came racing down my cheeks. "You don't love me?" My voice shook and I was amazed words were even able to escape my dry throat. I watched his eyes, beautiful at a first look, and very intense. "No, never have and never will." He turned on his heel and left. I collapsed to my knees on the rocky driveway and didn't notice any of the pebbles piercing my skin. "Kyle, come back. Please!" As hard as I tried, he wouldn't budge. As much as I wished, he still left. I never saw a car speed as fast as he did to this very day.
  2. Bump!!! 
  3. [One]

    The alarm clock blared through my dream and my eyes shot open. I pushed the off button, never wanting to hear it again and got out of bed. I could feel the sweat down my neck and on my old soccer jersey I liked to wear. I shed my shirt and then got on the shower. The steaming water poured over me and I let it wash all my pain away. I closed my eyes and then she came back to me. Her strawberry blonde hair, bright green eyes, and bubbly laugh that was highly contagious was the source of all my suffering. Bailey. And to think, she did nothing wrong to me. It was all my fault.
  4. [Bailey]

    My pencil was vigorously tapping on the counter top in the kitchen. "Bay," it went faster and the tip of the lead snapped off and went flying to the other edge of the table. "Bay." I snapped alert only to find and orange juice splattered floor due my shaking elbow. "How did that get there?" I asked humorously as I grabbed a handful of napkins and bent down to soak up the mess. "Hmm, I wonder." My mom replied with a smirk. When the mess was cleaned I packed my backpack with the materials sprawled across the counter: binders, notebooks, and a textbook. "Bailey, what ever happened to that boy you used to be with. Kyle Kingston was it?" I ignored her. Kyle and I had a long history. He was first boyfriend and we lasted two years. I hadn't a clue as to why Mom would bring him up, Kyle broke up with me last year. I didn't think about him this year because I wanted no distraction for my senior year. And then, my phone buzzed. Hello, Distraction.
  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! 
  6. [Kyle]

    I got back into my room and threw on some jeans. Looking in the closet for a shirt, I noticed my phone blinking in the corner. Not giving it another thought, I grabbed a navy blue Under Armor shirt and put it on. Just in time if I do say so myself. Nate Cartwright honked the horn of his Camero signaling for me to speed the hell up. I grabbed my backpack and slipped my phone into my pocket without even checking the source of the blinking orange light.
  7. [Bailey]

    Finally getting everything together, I went outside to find my best friend, Bella, waiting for me. "About time. What took you so long?" I threw my bag in the backseat of her car. "My mom brought up Kyle." I decided to omit the part about the text, since I didn't even know if it was Kyle who texted me. Both of us got in the car (ignoring the awkward and frantic waves from my mom out the kitchen window.) "So did it bother you?" "Did what? The Kyle thing?" Bella looked at me like I was stalling. "I don't know. A little I guess." "You don't guess with these things, Bay. You know." For the first time in my life, I thought through what Isabella Ketrick was saying. And for the first time in her life, she knew that she was right.
  8. [Two]

    My thoughts overpowered my self control and they took a wild ride. I was gazing out the passenger window in Nate's car and biting my thumb nail. "Alright, what's up with you?" " I don't know what you mean." "Don't be a prick. It's Bailey again isn't it." I ran my hand through my hair. "Isn't it!" Nate pressed. "Alright, Nate! It is. I can't stop thinking about her." "Then why did you dump her?" It took me a moment to answer, debating if I should lie to him. "Because...I cheated on her." "Why are you making a big deal about it? You're not the first guy to ever cheat on someone." I took a deep breath. Nate was going to think I a real prick when I told him. "I was her first boyfriend. After I cheated, I felt like she deserved way better than could ever do. She didn't know that I cheated and I never want her to. She'll just hate me more than she already does." Nate wasn't one to go all Dr. Phil on somebody, but he certainly had his moments. "Then she wasn't yours in the first place. You've heard that saying. We all have. Trust me, bro." At that moment, Nate said something that I will never forget. "In the end, everything will be okay. Of it's not okay, it's not the end."
  9. IF it's not okay**
  10. Love MORE BUMP