What should I do today: A. Continue "insanity" B. Write the next episode of "mlp: fipc" C. Write my new story "warhammer 40k: bound by blood" ?????
I mean, I love insanity and it's going to be uber creepy, But, I also want to Try my hand at an action packed story again And on another hand, I often need to write something adorable (mlp: fipc) to keep myself from losing it. What good times
Currently not writting anything yet. Thinking of a story but need ideas for a title i know the series title im going to do but u need some more characters.
I'm working on a story in Real life I'll post it when I'm done but does anyone have a cure for writers block
Updates: Damnation: updates soon Insanity: updates, maybe. I feel a bit of overload. Mlp: fipc: update next week
Go check out: My Life It's about my crappy life but they are in poems so please go tell me what you think thanks